For “Too much of a love affair” Jolijn Baeckelandt brings together a new series of paintings and drawings, where she points out the duality between the expected and the unexpected, the chaos and order and the complex relation between these. The constant pingpong.
There’s a personal desire to search for chaos , a need to explore the unknown when life becomes too much of a pattern; when the chaos is too present, we go back to the safety of our old and known structural habits.
In this serie of paintings the kitchen towel is used as a subject, and it functions as a metaphor for the daily grid of life we each endeavor to move trough. The kitchen towel is silkscreened on canvas and is used as the first layer of the painting. It’s a slow, long and technical process to work with while having your endgoal in mind. In these paintings the silkscreen is used to build up tention and to sustain at one point a painterly ejaculation. The quick, brutal, impulsive and painterly responds on this existing structure.
In these paintings subjects as a pill, a bug waiting for dinner, a gas stove that can explode at any time and an egg that is a hostage to fortune, appear in a state of chaos.